Visita da escritora Julie Hudgson

No passado dia 3 de abril, a biblioteca escolar da Escola Básica Abel Varzim, recebeu a visita da escritora inglesa Julie Hodgson para apresentar e promover a sua obra intitulada ” Jodie e o cartão da biblioteca”, com a participação dos alunos das turmas D do 8º ano e C e D do 9º ano.

A apresentação da autora esteve a cargo da turma D do 9º ano, em língua inglesa, uma vez que não fala potuguês, embora viva em Portugal há já seis anos. Posteriormente, a escritora procedeu à leitura de alguns excertos da sua obra , em inglês, enquanto atradutora o fazia em português. Por fim, tivemos oportunidade de colocar várias questões, às quais a autora respondeu de forma afável, todavia o tempo esgotou-se rapidamente e não podemos obter todas as infomações que desejávamos. Foi uma iniciativa interessante. Gostámos e ficámos à espera da próxima. (Turma do 8º D) ************************************************************************************************** On 3rd April, Julie Hodgson came to our school to promote her book “Jodie and the library card” and to talk a little bit about her life as a writer. Julie Hodgson is a well-known English writer. She writes books for children and teenagers and her books have been published in several languages. She was born in 1962 in Burton-Upon-Trent, in England, and she lived there till the age of eleven. After having lived in many countries, Julie decided to move to Portugal with her family. They fell in love with the weather, the people and the Portuguese food. There were three classes in the school library when Julie visited our school. Two students of the 9th form, Class D, read a small presentation of the writer. She loved the way the students welcomed her and said they were very nice. After the presentation, the writer read us a few pages of her book in English and the lady who works in the library in Barcelos read us the same parts in Portuguese. “Jodie and the library card” was written in English and Portuguese. That is very good, because if the readers have difficulties in understanding the meaning of some words, they only need to turn the book and check the meaning in Portuguese. After the presentation of the book, the students asked Julie some questions, which she answered in a funny and pleasant way. In the end she gave autographs to the students. We loved to meet Julie Hodgson and to read her book!! A summary of the book: In 2075 the books have been banished, the newspapers are objects that belong to the past, and having books is illegal… But Jodie has a passion for books and this passion makes her travel throughout time to different places around the world. Guided by her imagination, her plan is to collect as many books as she can, hiding them in a “magic” box under her bed. It is a book worth reading! (Alexandra Lopes, nº2 9ºD)

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